Pick up measure notes too close to bar line.
I just loaded a 2.x score into 3.0. I accepted to have everything reset. I did not set the number of bars/line.
Attached is a pic. of the pickup bar - it's too close to the barline.
I just loaded a 2.x score into 3.0. I accepted to have everything reset. I did not set the number of bars/line.
Attached is a pic. of the pickup bar - it's too close to the barline.
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I think Marc Sabatella has an issue open concerning this.
I don't think I recall seeing anything that. Can you attach the actual score? My best guess is that there was a manual adjustment to the segment leading space that is being interpreted differently.
In reply to I don't think I recall… by Marc Sabatella
That was from the score.
It was from "I'm Always Looking ....", a score which I uploaded for other posts.
At the moment, the parts are good.
In reply to That was from the score. It… by xavierjazz
I see about the notes but also....
In reply to Hmm... I see about the notes… by Jm6stringer
overlapping brackets apparently.
In reply to overlapping brackets… by Jojo-Schmitz
I thought it was a parenthesis (at the lower red line) next to a big weird squiggly bracket.
In reply to Hmm... I see about the notes… by Jm6stringer
Good get.
This must have been after I added another piano part to use as an alternate melody and after I had removed the bottom staff. This may be why it happened.