Bugs when pasting in guitar notation/tab linked staves

• Jan 24, 2019 - 19:52

Sorry if this has been reported before, I couldn't figure out how to search the forum.

I'm having a couple of issues when copying and pasting in a guitar notation + tab linked staves (I'm using the guitar + tablature default template).

  1. Repeat measure signs (the % notation that tells you a measure is the same as the last) don't show up when pasted. There's just a whole note rest instead (the rest is off to the left, not in the centre). When I highlight one of the empty pasted measures and double click the repeat measure sign in the palette it doesn't appear (but when I drag and drop from the palette it does).

  2. Tied notes show up correctly in the notation but show up as two untied notes in the tab. If I then try to add a tie to the tab, I crash to desktop. (I've also had this happen once in reverse, where the tab is correct and the notation shows two untied notes).

Thanks, though, to the developers. I've just started using MuseScore and I like it a lot. The linked staves feature itself is quite cool.


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