Formatting the colour of a footer

• Jan 27, 2019 - 17:04

Several of us in our band work on arrangements in MuseScore. We love it!
In MuseScore2 I added my "branding" to my arrangements by using Arial for titles etc, and by changing the footer colour to grey (tin). MuseScore3 looks very exciting and I have already used some new features, but I can't find how to change the colour of my footer, and I can't open my MuseScore2 files in 3 to save a template.
Will I have to continue using MuseScore2?


There should be no problems opening a version 2 file in version 3. If you have a file you can open in 2 but not 3, you need to attach it so someone can look at it and see what the problem is.

It seems the developers decided not to allow colors on headers and footers. You can make as suggestion at and set the severity to S5-suggestion. Don't worry about changing any of the other options.

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