MuseScore files subject to GPL?

• Jul 27, 2014 - 03:04


I'm wondering if any original music I create with MuseScore is subject to the GPL? In other words, if I create a piece and send it to someone, does that automatically place my music in the public domain as well (because MuseScore is open-source and distributed under the GPL)? Do I lose the rights I have to copywrite it etc., or do I still own the copywrite on my piece?


No, scores created using MuseScore do not inherit MuseScore's licensing terms any more than documents created with LibreOffice do or anything created on Linux does.

Is there an official statement about that from the org somewhere? I think you're absolutely right, I'm just trying to make sure so that I don't get in trouble for selling/distributing my music later. Thanks for replying, by the way :)

Note: I'm not a lawyer. If you need trusted legal advices, consult one.

My understanding is that there is no reason a document created with a GPL software needs to be GPL, there is no inclusion of code in the document. The only arguable reason would be the font used to create the document, Emmentaler. The font is GPL, but has a font exception, see

Also note that MuseScore is not in the public domain. It's a copyrighted software licensed under GPLv2, which is (very) different.

In short, you loose nothing by using MuseScore to create sheet music. You do win a lot of things though: the 4 freedoms of free software.
Also, and it's NOT linked with the open source nature of MuseScore or the GPLv2 license, you probably save some dollars/euros/money because MuseScore is free as in beer too.

If you like what you get, you are very welcome to donate

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