Note Entry Errors using Real Time--last note of bars is corrupted

• Feb 26, 2019 - 13:13

Has this problem been identified previously?
(Note I’m still on win XP SP3 Mu 2.3.2 4592407 !)
This is the procedure:
1. reboot computer & repair Musescor 2 (just in case!)
2. create new piano score
3. prepare first 8 bars as bar 1—minim rests then triplets (Ctrl+3) [see Note_Entry_Errors.mscz]
4. bar 2 notes added correctly using step time
5. bar 3 notes added using real time (auto)
6. bar 4 notes added using real time (man)
7. notice final notes for bars 3 & 4 are corrupted
8. delete bars 5 to end for brevity
9. Save Piece and close
10. win XP SP3 Mu 2.3.2 4592407
11. reopen piece to view load errors…incomplete bars 3 (380/384) & 4 (382/384) then ignore:



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