Using volta's still give problems

• Mar 1, 2019 - 15:10

Start with a repeat, enter some notes and end with a repeat
|: o (add notes) | o (more notes and ran end repeat) :|
After the last repeat enter notes again
|: o | o :|o | o ||

Add a closed volta on 2, and use as volta list 1,2,3 (it should repeat 3 times then continue)
Put an open volta on 3 (Volta list = 4)

If you play the score you expect the first repeat to be repeated 3 times, then continues till the end of the score.

What happens that playback stops on repeating the first repeat 3 times.
Even If I select a measure after the first repeat to continue playing it simply stops.
This was already a problem in MuseScore 2.3.x and now in the MuseScore 3 update from yesterday, it still doesn't work.

Whatever I try I cannot make it continue after 3 repeats.

I know there are a lot of related questions about this, and I think I read the main part of them and tried the given tips, but none work for me.

So what do I do wrong in this particular score?

I added a screenshot of the part in my score where it is going wrong, and u uploaded the score itself


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