
• Mar 16, 2019 - 19:32

I'm using windows10 x64 with Intel quad core 2.40 ghz and 8go ram. Also using musescore

I read on the net how to use jump and repeat in musescore and symbols (D.S. and Segno) print OK on applied measure but they do nothing in the playback. I looked in the inspector, everything is OK. Does it have a hidden procedure that I'm not aware of ? I have included my sheet of music and what I was expeted is after measure 32 jump back to measure 6.Thank you very to have taken the time to read me.

Attachment Size
Le Temps qu'il nous reste Vol 2.mscx 142.64 KB


You have use D.S. al coda with no "To Coda" jump so MuseScore ignores everything. Any time the jump has something missing or added, MuseScore ignores all of them.

In reply to by mike320

Thank you for your help. You're right one tag is missing. After reading and re-reading the chapter on repeat/jumps and finally understood how it works. I wrote a segno tag at measure 6, D.S. al fine at meaure 32 and finally a FINE tag at the end of the piece. Now evething works fine. Thank you everyone for your help and time.

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