Respell chords

• Apr 8, 2019 - 12:32

I have a jazz score that includes parts for flute (written in concert key signature of D) and trumpet (written in transposing key signature of E).

The flute is working with a D#-based chord and so the trumpet is seeing an E#-based chord. But, I'd like the trumpet to see an F-based chord (enharmonically equivalent to E#). There are other chords that need to be treated similarly.

Is there a command or plugin that will allow me to respell the chords in the trumpet part?

With thanks in anticipation,


What I've done in the past is to add the proper key signature to the measure I want to adjust like this. In your case you need to add the key of Eb (so the trumpet is in F), then select all of the notes. Hold down ctrl+alt then press the up then down arrow keys and release the other keys. You can then remove the extra key signature.

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