Choral responses

• Apr 25, 2019 - 02:34


I am writing choral responses and for this need one unmetered stave, and then a double stave, metered and possibly with a different key signature, for SATB on the same level on the page.
Example: on the left side - cantor with one liturgical note, and the text "O lord, open thou our lips" below that one note; on the right the choir parts on 2 staves with the text "And our mouth shew forth thy praise." Etc.
Or is that a feature that already exists?



This sort of thing can be done, but it is very tricky. The basic trick is "hide empty staves" once you get it all right, and the staves you don't want will disappear. You have to insert a system break ("Breaks and spaces") at the end of the systems where you want them. You can get "unmetered" measures by inserting notes in "insert timewise" mode to make the measure have an "extraordinary number of notes." Here's a score of mine where I do stuff like that: There are many other diabolically manipulated staves and systems in my "Tutorials" set, e.g., here .

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes ;-), and above @Rikelein what I've used in the experimental score below:

  • use a SATB closed score, delete the instrument names, delete the bracket (I've made a screenshot of it before, see attached)
  • as mentioned insert a horizontal frame, where necassary
  • insert first all notes (use as mentioned the "insert mode" (resp. "timewise mode" to insert unmetered measures (or delete/short parts of a measure via "ctrl+del")
  • after inserting all notes, right click on the staves->staff properties... and deselect "show time signature" and select "cutaway"
  • insert the bracket as image and adjust it
Attachment Size
bracket.png 2.05 KB

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