Version a few feedbacks or help needed

• May 5, 2019 - 17:17

As titled, the score is attached to be with the follows:
1. Count in: beat number 12+11=23. Co-players have to wait and count 23 beats. "3/8" time signature can be added in to bar 1 to reduce beats to 5, but not the case of a loop playing in the middle;
2. “Gliss.” works for complex tuplets but not true sliding;
3. Is there a way to make the piano “PAUSE” after its long rest of bar 34, 35? as a predefined pause point, or a pause flag, and wait for human violinist to step on his foot peddle to send “space” to resume playing of the last two bars when he reaches the same point/flag, for the purpose of full control of real time piano silence;
4. New “Play Panel” loses it docking/undocking status after restart the app while “Palettes”, “Inspector” etc. do not.

Can someone help? Especially point 3.


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