Bug: Save error with unrolled repeat version of score

• May 27, 2019 - 06:36

I get the following error when saving the unrolled version of my score:
Open Temp File
failed: Bad file descriptor

To get around this, I have to use "Save as" and change the file name.
To duplicate error, unroll the repeats, under the Tool menu, in the attached score. Then try to save the new unrolled version of the score (e.g., ctrl +s). It appears the error has to do with how Musescore is naming the new score (appending it with .temp?).

Attachment Size
Xote_Swing_timbal_ideas.mscz 32.53 KB


There's no such menu, not in 3.0.5 at least. There is in 3.1 RC, bit that should a) be explicitly mentiond and b) for the time being (until release) be discussed in the Technologie Preview forum.

But I can confirm the issue, please report in the issue tracker. As this is a new feature in 3.1, it is not really a regression, or is it?

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