Swap with clipboard broken
It seems that swap with clipboard is not working properly. It's pasting but not putting the destination on the clipboard. Is anyone else seeing this?
It seems that swap with clipboard is not working properly. It's pasting but not putting the destination on the clipboard. Is anyone else seeing this?
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Seems to be working for me. Score + steps to reproduce?
EDIT: a common mistake (common in my world anyhow) is to not actually select something but to instead just click a note.
In reply to Seems to be working for me. … by Marc Sabatella
It seems that at one point the selection was automatically expanded to handle the contents of the clipboard. It doesn't work that way in 2.3.2 or 3.1. As you said, you must select the full destination. I don't think that's good.
In reply to It seems that at one point… by mike320
I tend to agree. I sort of recall there being some discussion of this when the feature was implemented and some reason why it was this way, but I don't remember any details.