installation failure
The May 28, 2019 update fails to install.
It is 64-bit Windows, having a bin file containing Musescore3-crash-report.exe.
So I had to execute the latter on 6/4/2019 at about 8am, EDT.
The Musescore 3 starting panel is overlaid with a pop-up saying that a previous run stopped unexpectedly.
Regardless of answering Yes or No to the restore query, the starting panel always disappears from the Windows desktop.
Several months ago I was running Musescore 2.3.2 with never an issue.
The only additional workaround I had needed so far with Musescore 3 is the trick how to add hyphenated lyrics to a succession of slurred notes.
Now I am dead in the water with your app.
Please fix.
Thank you,
Art Lenskold
Maybe helps
In reply to Maybe… by Jojo-Schmitz
None of the 8 workarounds works.
All that happened was to revert to factory settings.
After waiting 3 seconds, the Windows desktop again appeared, confirming the crash.
Is there a simple way to uninstall 3.1 and install the prior version, 3.0.5 ?
In reply to None of the 8 workarounds… by alenskold
#9 then, start MuseScore by double- clicking a score. If that works, disable the Start Center in Edit > Preferences > General and see whether that solves the problem
In reply to 9 then, start MuseScore by… by Jojo-Schmitz
Workaround #9 is a success !
It allowed me to enter 3 mouse clicks in just a little bit over 3 seconds.
On the Edit > Preferences > General menu, I removed the check mark in the "Show Start Center" box.
Luckily I had chosen a MuseScore3 item to double-click and not one from MuseScore2.
My .mscz files all reside in my Documents folder for Windows 10 ( which I will now have to discriminate by date) .
And it allowed me to enter 3 mouse clicks in just a little bit over 3 seconds.
When all my screens did not disappear, I could relax and search for "Show Start Center."
Happy sailing to the MuseScore 3.1 developers for coming up with a permanent repair in the future !
After seeing this permanent fix, I may pose the lower severity issue about hyphenated lyrics and slurs.
In reply to Workaround #9 is a success !… by alenskold
Please do, I'm not aware of any issues with this, but if you are seeing some sort of problem, we'd need to know about it in order to fix it.