Moving an accent above the staff

• Jun 27, 2019 - 18:16

How can you make it so you dont have to press X on every accent. I want the accents to automatically be above the staff


You can select all of the accents (right click one use select>all similar elements or select>more to get the ones you want). Open the inspector (F8). Change the Anchor to either above chord or above staff. You can press the S to the right of it to apply it to all future accents in the score as well. I'm not sure how the side effects of this will make you feel.

The standard is for accents to go on the notehead side, except in the very special case of percussion notation. I believe that as of 3.2 if you use the MDL extension, this happens automatically., but that might actually still have to wait for a coming 3.2.1 update to work properly, not sure.

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