Musescore_General soundfont not playing due to crash and corrupt

• Jul 24, 2019 - 03:26

I'm using Windows 7 home and the latest Musescore 3.2.3.

I have the Sonatina_Symphonic_Orchestra soundfont and the Musescore_General soundfont both loaded on my synthesizer. My problem is that sometimes when I open up my score, only the Sonatina instruments playback; the Musescore ones have no sound at all when I play or click on them. This is my first time using a different soundfont, so I may have messed something else, but reloading the soundfonts, reassigning the sounds, restarting the program, and everything else I can think of isn't working.
The weirdest part is that it sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't. I quit for a day after trying to fix it, and the next day, it was fine. Last time I saved it, everything was working great, but when I opened it, I had this issue again.
The only thing I can trace the issue to at all is the synthesizer. Sometimes when I mess with the CC in dynamics, weird stuff happens, but sometimes not.
I have uploaded my file so that by you testing it I can know if it is my problem or Musescore's.

Some more info I found as I was messing around:
I opened up the back-up file that was saved. It worked just fine. Then, I skipped ahead in the score to another note and musescore crashed. I remembered that this happened when I opened this score the first time as well. Well now, my backup copy is corrupted as well, and I don't know what to do.

Thanks, and I hope this can be figured out!

Attachment Size
Castle of Darkness S.mscz 81.32 KB


Page 16 is nearly blank and page 19 is partially empty, but your score plays fine for me using the Musescore_General.sf3 soundfont.. Try using only that (delete the Sonatina from the synthesizer).
Does it then play ok?

In reply to by BestBerry

Okay, so after even more trouble, I uninstalled and reinstalled Musescore. The issues after that were easy to iron out, and everything works for me now. I haven't tried adding any soundfonts yet, but I'm not doing Sonatina this time. So, my problem is solved for now. Thanks!

In reply to by BestBerry

It took some messing around...
Okay, so after even more trouble...
The issues after that were easy to iron out...

You seem to have had some difficulties; but those 'descriptions' are kind of vague, so of no real help. (OK, maybe you earn sympathy points. ;-)

Something to consider:
If you find that you are overwhelmed by issues, a factory reset can sometimes fix things that a reinstall cannot:
This does a 'deep cleaning' of any bogus settings.
Be advised it also removes any changes you have made to things like preferences and palettes.

In any event, you say your problem is solved for now. That's a positive.
But... you should be able to use other soundfonts like those listed here:

Also, see:
and especially read the Notes about saving the synthesizer settings, especially if you use multiple soundfonts.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks a lot for your help and suggestions. I'm sorry I couldn't be more clear, as I didn't know what was going on. I don't have time to mess around with adding soundfonts for the next few days, but I will take advantage of your suggestions if I continue to have problems. If I do, then I will try to isolate the bug and make a formal report of it.

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