Exporting XML

• Jul 29, 2019 - 03:34

hi I have exported a XML just a test

and when I tried to open it in text on my mac 10.13.6

I can't open it ?

what are the steps in doing this?

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2019-07-28 at 8.32.10 PM.png 25.28 KB


XML is a very generalized format. XML for music scores (called musicxml for about 2 years) has music information in it. Without seeing the xml (or mxl from your picture) it would be impossible to give a better answer.

In reply to by mike320

It's been called MusicXML ever since, but only since a while also the file extension changed to that...
*.xml to *.musicxml. MuseScore still imports .xml files, but exports .musicxml files, the content however hasn't changed at all. .mxl is a compessed MusicXML format.

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