recovering a prior version of a song when musescore crashes

• Jul 31, 2019 - 05:52

I spent hours today entering parts for a piece I have that lacks a score.
Then musescore3 crashed (again, as it had done already five times in the last two days) and the entire file no longer existed in my system
I managed to find a prior version from 2 o'clock this afternoon (I lost all my work at 8:oo in the evening), BUT the 2nd and 3rd clarinet parts have vanished...and no matter how I try to 'add' an instrument, while it shows on the 'score' when I go to parts I only have Clarinet 1 and bass can I get clarinet 2 and clarinet 3 to show up in 'parts'.

Thank you!!!


First, MuseScore saves your work every two minutes, so even if you forget to save periodically yourself, you would never normally lose more than two minutes of work after a crash. Just answer "yes" when asked if you want to recover the previous session. Or, see, especially the section on autosave.

Meanwhile to create parts for the instruments in your score, go to File / Parts. Normally you'd hit the "Generate" button to create new parts for all instruments automatically, but in this case you might instead want to hit New to add parts just for the newly added instruments. or delete the od parts then generate all new ones.

If a file (and especially a single file) has started to crash, delete all the parts and save the copy of the file with a different name (File Menu => Save a Copy).
Two days ago I've had maybe 50 crashes in a row. And that's how I solved the problem (It crashed even when I tried to save the file).

(And no, I can't upload the file: Copyright problem.)

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