In musescore 2 it was easy to integrate griffbrettdiagramme in your partitur. In musescore 3 it's impossible. Anyone knows why this is?
Thanks, Jens
In musescore 2 it was easy to integrate griffbrettdiagramme in your partitur. In musescore 3 it's impossible. Anyone knows why this is?
Thanks, Jens
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I'm not aware of any changes there
In reply to I'm not aware of any changes… by Jojo-Schmitz
Well, than, what do I wrong? I opened a recent partitur in musescore 2, benath "Paletten" you chosse griffbrettdiagramme, and than it's reallly easy, drag and drop. In musescore 3 you get a "not allowed"-sign instead...
In reply to Well, than, what do I wrong?… by jensmfield
Click on note or rest;
Double click the item in the palette.
In reply to Clicl on note or rest;… by Shoichi
That too, just like MuseScore 2
In reply to Well, than, what do I wrong?… by jensmfield
Drop it on a note, rest, chord symbol and it works
No different from MuseScore 2
In reply to Well, than, what do I wrong?… by jensmfield
in version 3 the arrow is not visible so it's more difficult to tell where you want to drop. It's at the top left of the item you are dragging.
In reply to in version 3 the arrow is… by mike320
The arrow is visible for me, MuseScore 3.2.3, Windows 7. And its tip is at the bottom right cornorner of the diagram, not top left.
Anyway, selecting the target note, rest, chord symbole and then applying the fretboard diagram via double-click is easier.
In reply to The arrow is visible for me,… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't see an arrow until I can drop the item, otherwise it's nothing but the circle with a line through it. This why I also use double click for items that belong on only one note. Single notes are hard to hit.
In reply to I don't see an arrow until I… by mike320
I see that circle too, below and right of the arrow. Tusrns into a plus once I reach a location to drop
In reply to I see that circle too, below… by Jojo-Schmitz
You see the arrow when you drag an item over the empty paper then?
In reply to You see the arrow when you… by mike320
In reply to Yes by Jojo-Schmitz
Perhaps it's a windows 7 vs windows 10 change. See the attached video.
In reply to Perhaps it's a windows 7 vs… by mike320
Probably (and no change for the better it seems), it definitly looks different for me
In reply to Probably, it definitly looks… by Jojo-Schmitz
no change for the better
no kidding.
In reply to no change for the better no… by mike320
I do think, too: It's a compatibility problem between musescore 3 and windows 10. I write my composition in musescore 2 , now...
Thanks for caring and sharing!
In reply to I do think, too: It's a… by jensmfield
I still think version 3 is so far superior to version 2 that I wouldn't think of going back to version 2. This was not always the case and I refused to use version 3.0.x and really started exclusively using 3.2. I was concerned with some of the changes coming out in 3.3 soon, but those concerns have been addressed and I look forward to 3.3 also.
In reply to I do think, too: It's a… by jensmfield
It's not a compatibility problem, it works perfectly, it's just that the default mouse cursor in Windows 7 that we use is different indeed. Once you get used to it, it's no big deal. But drag & drop is a very inefficient way to add things anyhow. As explained previously, the better way to add symbols to your score is by selecting the note(s) you want to add to then double-clicking the palette item.