Musescore 2
My computer had to be re set and in having this done my muse score 2 disappeared.
I have downloaded 3 but my scores don't transfer across as they were. I will need to spend ages re writing text.
Is there a way to download the old muse Score 2.?
See Clicking the Windows 7 or higher link will go straight to the download.
I do encourage you to use version 3 for your future work. After a shaky start it's a great improvement over version 2. We'll be here if you need help.
In reply to See… by mike320
Thank you that is really useful. I have both downloaded now.
In reply to Thank you that is really… by Liz Ryder-Weldon
Best is to install MuseWScore 2(.3.2) first, then MuseScore 3(.2.3).
Or use the PortableApp version of MuseScore 2, which doesn't require any install
While there are some changes indeed, it normally shouldn't be difficult at all to update a score to look better than ever in MuseScore 3. if you attach an example, we can help walk you through what would be needed. But that said, if you have lots of existing scores, it can be easiest to just keep opening those in the version they were created with, and take advantage of the improvements in MuseScore 3 for new scores.
In reply to While there are some changes… by Marc Sabatella
No it would have been time consuming as I mostly do vocal arrangements. The text had gone wild. I had lost 2 when my computer was repaired but I have both downloaded now and will use both as required. Thank you all for your support.
In reply to No it would have been time… by Liz Ryder-Weldon
As I wrote earlier, it indeed often is easier and quicker to keep doing smaller changes and corrections to MuseScore 2 scores using MuseScore 2. Esp. if many manual changes to the default placements had been used.
Same is true for MuseScore 1 scores BTW, that's why I still have the latest minor version of all 3 major ones (1.3., 2.3.2 and 3.2.3, soon 3.3) installed on my computer and still use all 3, although I use the older versions less and less these days.
In reply to No it would have been time… by Liz Ryder-Weldon
I agree that smaller changes to existing scores are best done with the same version as used to create it. But even when it might appear things have "gone wild" when importing into MuseScore 3, it very often is the case that just a couple of clicks sets things right, and often looking better than before. So I'd still encourage you to post even a small example, then we can see what's going on and tell you if there is a simple way to make things right. Chances are the techniques we show will save you time creating new scores as well, because MsueScore 3 has some pretty powerful new features you probably aren't aware of, like the abiltiy to flip lyrics above the staff as easily as pressing "X".
In reply to I agree that smaller changes… by Marc Sabatella
Yes, for quite many scores the conversion is pretty easy, for some pretty complex (if you want to get to basically the same layout, on the same number of pages and the same staff space settings) and for some even impossible (I have quite many scores for MuseScore 1 that I can't update to either MuseScore 2 or 3, due to some 'bad' tricks I used for them to render as I wanted them to render)
For some of my MuseScore 2 scores I'm just too lazy to convert them (mainly check whether the layout is still OK), when all I need to do is to fix a typo or save them online for the first time, for my choirs mates to be able to listen to them online.
In reply to While there are some changes… by Marc Sabatella
No it would have been time consuming as I mostly do vocal arrangements. The text had gone wild. I had lost 2 when my computer was repaired but I have both downloaded now and will use both as required. Thank you all for your support.