Repeats within repeats

• Aug 16, 2014 - 18:27

In my piece, I have a phrase of four bars which play twice and then go to one of two end bars. One of the bars inside this repeating phrase is itself supposed to repeat, three times. On the first iteration of the phrase, it does repeat, but on the second, it just plays once and then continues the phrase. How do I make the bar play itself enough times on each iteration of the phrase? (In the attachment, the bar in question is the third along the top, with the "3x" above it.)

Attachment Size
RepeatingPhrase.JPG 59.3 KB


In reply to by Calis

To be clear, this isn't an arbitrary limitation of MuseScore. Human musicians would not process them correctly either. I mean, MuseScore could be programmed to interpret nested repeats the way you want for its own computer playback, but you can't program the world to read it the way you want. It's too much for the human brain to keep track of when reading - trying to figure out which start repeat goes with which closing repeat. Realistically, people will repeat back to the first open repeat they find, or more likely, they will simply become confused and frustrated and will just stop playing. It just isn't advisable to use this type of notation.

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