Extraction of Ovex

• Jan 13, 2020 - 09:36

After zlib decompression of Ovex, the resulting XML is not musicxml, and musescore cannot be parsed

Attachment Size
The Better Man.xml 35.62 KB


Indeed MuseScore only supports .ove (and even that only in an experimental state) and not .ovex.
That file being named .xml doesn't automagically turn it into valid MusicXML

In reply to by liulucode

@liulucode :
I saw that you contacted me via the contact form.
As Jojo-Schmitz already told you, a ovex file is a proprietary format of Overture 5 that can be opened only by Overture 5 (at least at the moment). Such a file is an xml file which follows a set of rules and specifications that we do not know (since it is a proprietary format of the company which develops Overture ). MuseScore cannot open such an xml files because it does not know the set of rules it follows; only a (probably long) work of reverse engineering and coding could enable the import of these ovex files. And at the moment none of MuseScore developers is volunteering for doing such a task.
If you have coding skills and you want to step in to do that job, the MuseScore developer community would gladly help you find your way around the code and the particular part involved in ove file import :-)
What you can currently do to convert this file, if you do not own an Overture 5 license, is to download a demo of this program (from here: https://sonicscores.com/downloads/ ), open the original ovex file and then export a MusicXml file via the "Export" command in the "File" menu. The demo will run only for 30 days.
Here is the result for your file (which I retrieved from here https://sonicscores.com//forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=22027&p=69769&hilit… ) exorted by using an Overture 5 demo.

Attachment Size
The Better Man.musicxml 9.03 KB

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