Issue with downloading .mscz files
I have never run into any issues with downloading .mscz files to open in musescore from a score on the website, but multiple members of my group have been unable to download anything but a pdf without signing up for Musescore Pro. I have had my account for years, so the only problem I can think of is that this would be something that is limited on newer musescore accounts.
Only scores arked as PD or as Original Work, where the uploaded didn't dsable download, can get downloaded by non-Pro members. This does include PDFs.
Unless you know the 'secret link', that is, or you share the score with a (closed) group.
In reply to Only scores arked as PD or… by Jojo-Schmitz
I figured that would be the case, but the problem is that I can download the scores while other members of my group cannot. I'll definitely check out the closed group option
In reply to I figured that would be the… by ET206719
There may be a difference between old and ne acounts, there at least was one in the early days of that new copyright schema, in late summer last years IIRC. Maybe it still is the case, even if it was planned to be only temporarilry