Chord Symbol incorrect after diatonic transpose

• Feb 3, 2020 - 15:46

Hi All,
I have a C major triad and I tried to transpose this diatonically with a second. I had expected the chord symbol to change from C to Dm but it didn't, it changed to D. Transposing a third also incorrectly gives the new symbol as E rather than Em. However, transposing up a fourth does correctly give me F. All transpositions do show the keyboard reflecting the correct change.

Any ideas please?



In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

Thank you very much. I was doing it incorrectly. I transposed up diatonically by a fourth. This was daft because the very transposition I wanted had a note that wasn't diatonic to the key of C. I transposed by an interval of a perfect fourth and it worked correctly.. Two steps forward and one step back. At least its a net movement forward.

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