Lost score after update

• Feb 10, 2020 - 10:11

I lost a score after updating the software this morning. It was lost from both the "recent"-list and "Finder". The score was named "Moln", and it was saved most recently in late January. Is it possible for you to restore my score?
Kind regards,


I guess you are on macOS? You should be able to use Finder to do a search of your entire computer. Maybe best to look for all files ending in "mscz" in case you are misremembering the name, or accidentally saved it under a different one. But updating software never in any way touches any of your scores.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks a lot, it was easily found when searching for "mscz". I probably saved the file in an "illogical" folder, because I don't get the "browse" option when I choose "save as". Hence, I had to choose among "favorites" or "recent" folders. I actually miss this "browse" option, so I hope it will appear in a future update.

In reply to by haakonskuller

Being in Norwegian unfortunately makes it harder for us to understand. But - there's the rest of the dialog? You know, the part that also shows you all the existing files in the currently-selected folder? At least, I assume macOS offers such an option. Maybe your dialog is partially off-screen?

BTW, also see Edit / Preferences / Advanced / useNativeDialogs, maybe try changing that setting from whatever it is now.

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Yes also :) And infinitely faster and more efficient than Windows search, which also runs constantly in the background, slows Windows down and sometimes makes the CPU go up.
Personally I have disabled Windows files indexing for these reasons and now only use "Everything". So fast that I sometimes go through it instead of going down the whole tree of a file whose location I know well.

In reply to by Papibois

Yes, I also disabled windows indexing.
The difference between the two software is: "Everyting software" works as a background process and indexes it in its database (this is why it is fast).
Ultrasearch doesn't do any indexing, it does the search directly through MFT*1 (This is why it is fast in a different way.).

*1: Master File Table

In reply to by Papibois

So just for the record, and for the fun of it, I turned off indexing and did some benchmarks. My laptop has a 4 year old quad-core cpu, but a new SSD. As far as testing goes, disk read/write speed was faster with indexing on. Though that was only for the duration of the test. What takes up a lot of cpu and memory for me is having a browser and a number of programs open at once. And even that doesn't slow things down much. The SSD makes up for a lot of things.

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