Potential bug: Trill not playing after a prepared turn.

• Mar 6, 2025 - 10:16

Hi guys,
I'm just making this piano score for myself, and I noticed that after a prepared turn, a trill will not play in musescore. The audio plays it as if the note and trill and prepared turn don't exist. Could you fix this? It's really annoying and tampering with my experience of Musescore.
I've also included the score I'm working on to show the bug. Look at bar 16 and play a note before the bar to enact the bug. I'm using Musescore version 4.4.4, 64-bit.
To reproduce the bug, put a grace note (any grace note, even only one behind the note causes the bug) behind a normal note with a trill sign on it, and it will cause the bug.
Classics and Music

Attachment Size
Grande Fantaisie et Variations .mscz 58.22 KB

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