D.C. al Coda Repeats

• Mar 17, 2020 - 05:50

Hi Everyone,

I'd like to know if there is a solution for the issue of repeats not playing after the Coda in a D.C. al Coda repeat. The score goes back to the beginning and plays through then skips from the To Coda measure as required to the measure marked with the Coda sign but repeats don't play after the measure marked with the Coda sign. This is after Play Repeats has been checked in the Inspector for the D.C. al Coda. I'm sorry, but I don't have an example right now to upload.

Once again, thanks for any help on this and apologies if I've merely overlooked the obvious.



The solution should indeed be to check play repeats for the D.C. al Coda and doing so works for me over here.

Awaiting the example when you do have the time to share it.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks for your reply. Attached is a demo of the problem.

The score plays through, then starts from the beginning again, The score observes the To Coda and skips measure 2 but measure 3 does not repeat as it does the first time. The Play Repeats is checked in the Inspector for the D.C. al Coda.

I'm using MuseScore 2.3.1 so perhaps this has been fixed in the new version?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Attachment Size
Coda Demo.mscz 5.34 KB

In reply to by notescribe

2.3.1 is indeed quite old. The last MuseScore 2.x is 2.3.2 (not that much newer, you should update to that anyhow, it has been put out for a reason) but we're at 3.4.2 meanwhile with MuseScore 3.x (and you can install and use that in parallel to your 2.x one)

In reply to by notescribe

We indeed do not expect a coda to return to the same place as a start repeat that had already been taken.
I've bookmarked this into the things to see if it can be "fixed" during my refactoring without breaking anything else.

Note though, that this repeat would remain unaffected by having play repeats checked in the D.C. al Coda marking. That setting only affects everything between the start and To Coda markers. After the jump to the coda, this setting has no effect and repeats should be honored by itself.

In reply to by jeetee

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the replies. I've seen examples of this in various music scores, so I just wanted to see if a demo worked. Of course, I realize that MuseScore is geared more towards writing scores than playback. I work with both new and old versions of MuseScore for various reasons. This demo just happened to be in the old version but I gather the issue is the same in the new one as well. I'll see about a workaround.

Thanks again.


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