Change of Key

• Apr 10, 2020 - 13:12

Hello, I am looking to change the song below into the Key of G but not sure how to on this website at the moment. I am wondering if you could help me with it.

Attachment Size
HIGHLAND_CATHEDRAL_bagpipe_version.mscz 13.23 KB


Your key signature is D major but you've written it in Eb, hence all the accidentals. So before transposing as indicated by Jojo change the key signature by highlighting the two sharps, then selecting three flats from the palette/keysignatures.

In reply to by underquark

Or an alternative version, as I consider your one to be in C! In practice the first 8 bars of the tune are in the home key, the next 8 are in the dominant, and then the first 8 bars are repeated to finish, although the score doesn't show this. Therefore if the OP wants it in G he presumably wants it like this attachment below (though I hope he's learned by now to do it for himself).

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