Changing playback tempo mid track

• Apr 13, 2020 - 11:45

How do I change the playback tempo?
I have a piece that starts with a section at crotchet = 92 and then moves into a second section at crotchet = 160. I can't find a way to make the playback mirror these tempos. If I click on the note where the tempo change is and alter it it applies it to the whole thing. All I want is for it to play the first 16 bars at 92 and then the next section at 160. I can't find a way to apply the playback tempo change to the appropriate part. None of the help articles cover this.


You wrote:
I can't find a way to apply the playback tempo change to the appropriate part.
There are 4 ways listed there. Pick one.

You wrote:
All I want is for it to play the first 16 bars at 92 and then the next section at 160.

OK... select the first note (or rest) of the first 16 bars and apply a tempo marking (i.e., crotchet = 92). This will play the score at 92 bpm until a brand new tempo marking is applied at wherever you want the tempo to change.
So, in your case, you select the first note (or rest) of the second section and apply a brand new tempo marking at that point and set it to crotchet = 160.


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