File of type drop down doesn't change/affect extension in filename in Linux
Reported version
S4 - Minor
1) open score
2) Save As --> choose Uncompressed Musescore3 file
saved as mscz
when saving, manually type "mscx" extension
Os - Linux (AppImage)
Not on OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 1ee2fe3
Try changing Edit > Prefereces > Advanced > ui/application/useNativeDialog
In reply to Try changing Edit >… by Jojo-Schmitz
When unselect useNativeDIalogs it works as expected (no issue).
Then I very much doubt this to be a 3.5 issue, but rather one of Linux, your distribution or desktop gui
In reply to Then I very much doubt this… by Jojo-Schmitz
You maight be right. But it came with 3.5 version.
In 3.4.2 it works fine. useNativeDialogs setting didnt cause this issue in 3.4.2
I found, in fact, it is not "doesnt save mscx" but it is "file of type drop down doesnt change/affect extension in filename"
Revert to factory settings.
The workaround of changing Edit > Preferences > Advanced > ui/application/useNativeDialog helped once again in
Not too sure this really is a MuseScore issue. But maybe we'd need to go back to have that setting being different for Linux vs Mac and Windowes, like we used to have
Is this here a duplicate of #304638: "Open" button instead of "Save" when saving on Linux Mint or vice versa?
I didn't really find time to investigate it, but by checking it in short with MuseScore 2.3.2 it seems to change the file extension correct by default, as both for "save as..." and "export..." by changing the file format, not so with MuseScore 3.x. So maybe it's an active bug?
The change is in the default setting for ui/application/useNativeDialog on Linux, which was different from the other platforms in 2.x but is the same in 3.x
After some more investigation, I don't really get it. If I'm not wrong, indeed it works correct with the AppImage of MS 3.4.2 - also with versions before - by default (useNativeDialog is activated) but not with the AppImage of MS 3.5 (it works by deactivating this setting).
But it also doesn't work with the distribution package of MS 3.4.2 by default (only by deactivating this setting). Crazy.
FWIW the distribution package is using QT 5.9.7, the AppImages of 3.4.2 and 3.5 both QT 5.9.8, so it doesn't seems to be a QT bug. OS is OpenSuse.
I wonder, if a missing library somewhere could be the reason (for both: inside the AppImage and OS)?
and another one:
And again in #314455: Musescore 3.5 in Linux Mint 20: Save file gives error. Seems about time to change that settings default for Linux, back to what it once was?
And again in #314742: "Cannot recognize filetype" when saving
See #297613: File save can't determine file type without extension