HTML symbols

• Jun 13, 2020 - 10:29

It seems like it's possible to add symbols to lines using HTML, but I can't figure out how to do it. For instance, I can change the ottava bassa from displaying as 8----- to 8va---- by typing ottavaBassa, but the only reason I figured that out was because I unticked the "numbers only" box under Continue text in the inspector. It changed from ottava to ottavaBassa so I jsut tried entering that in the Begin text as well. Where can I find the HTML names for the rest of the symbols? I want it to say 8vb----- and in the Master palette when I hover over the symbol I want, it just says "Ottava bassa (8vb)" and entering that obviously doesn't work.
How do I find the HTML code no matter what symbol I might need?


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