Adding Measures

• Sep 6, 2020 - 13:37


Please see attached. I'm taking a music theory class and am learning about clefs, key signatures, etc. The attached is homework where I have to show the professor I know how to make different key signatures for different clefs. For example, the attached is bass clef with an E Major key signature. Next, will be treble clef with a D flat major key signature. After that, it's alto clef with a B flat major signature, etc. I know how do do all of this by hand with pencil and manuscript paper, but I want to turn in the homework in Musescore converted to a pdf file.

How can I add measures, on one page, where each eight measures are not related to each other? In other words, each eight measures would be one score, followed by another eight measures which would be an independent score, and so on. I don't want to do a separate page for each eight measures.

I hope the above makes sense. Can you help?


Attachment Size
MUT 1111 - Self-Test 1-2A.mscz 6 KB


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