Tuplet/Triplet brackets running together

• Sep 11, 2020 - 12:36

Maybe there's a fix I can't find? I'm scoring jazz piano and trying to notate some triplets in a measure, the brackets are running together making it look like a 6 note run. Triplets should be made to look obvious to the untrained eye like mine. Any way to stop the bracket from running together like that?

I'm using Muscescore 3 on a windows 10 laptop.



And what is the problem with it? Looks good to me:

I see you're using MuseScore 3.3.4, the one from the MIcrosoft store? Does your score look different from the image above?
Here from the download page you can get 3.5.0 already (and we hope that 3.5.1, once available, will also make it into the Microsoft Store), and 3.5.0 is what I used for above image.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes it did for sure, the first six notes had one beam. A guy on Facebook Musescore discussion clued me in to what I was missing, it's called a beam not a bracket (my misunderstanding) and the beam properties on the master palette allowed me to break up the beam using "beam start" at the position of the 4th note.

I will download 3.5.0 for sure and thank you for your reply.

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