Align pedal markings to right hand staff notes?

• Oct 3, 2020 - 08:50

MuseScore version 3.5.0

When adding pedal markings, you select the note(s) in the left hand (LH) piano part to add, and click the Pedal line - all good. But what if the pedal needs to be lifted partway through a long LH note? See the attached picture: here the LH octave chord is held, while the RH plays Am chords then F chords. The pianist should therefore change the pedal on beat 3 of the bar, but I haven't yet found a way to notate this, outside of making the pedal last the entire bar then using ctrl-arrow to adjust the alignment (and hoping it doesn't get out of alignment later on). I tried variations on selecting a range of notes in the RH part, or across both parts, but that just seems to add pedal markings between the RH and LH staves, rather than under the LH staff as expected.

Is there a way to add a change of pedal so that it is aligned/attached to a particular note from the RH part, and appears under the LH staff like a normal pedal marking? Thanks.

Attachment Size
pedal.png 7.09 KB


There are two options.

  1. Select the range in the RH and apply the pedal. Select it, press = (to turn off auto placement) then move the pedal to below the LH staff.

  2. Put invisible rests in an unused voice in the LH staff (voice 2 would work in your case). Apply the pedal and adjust its range.

I like 2 better because it will line up the pedal with other pedals on the same system but you may prefer 1.

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