Can't run Arrange Parts
Hello. I downloaded the Arrange Parts plugin, but when unzipping it into a folder Musescore 4 -> Plugins it gives an error. What I´m doing wrong?
Best regards
Hello. I downloaded the Arrange Parts plugin, but when unzipping it into a folder Musescore 4 -> Plugins it gives an error. What I´m doing wrong?
Best regards
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Seems to be a plugin for v1.
In reply to Seems to be a plugin for v1. by Henk De Groot
What does it mean? I´m noob.
Is there a plugin to distribute piano voices to other instruments?
In reply to What does it mean? I´m noob by tochyltseva
There's Tools > Explode is for MuseScore 1.x only. It won't run in MuseScore 2.x, 3.x or 4.x
And it clearly stays that:
API compatibility