Is there a way to turn 5 quintuplets into 5/8 without rewriting everything?

• Oct 6, 2020 - 00:16

Hello. I'm hoping to turn this piece made up of quintuplets so that a quintuplet becomes an eighth note and a quarter note becomes a measure of 5/8. I want to do this so that I could have measures of 6 quintuplets, which would become 6/8 if I could make this switch. This could also be controversially solved by having a measure of 6/20, but I'm pretty sure musescore doesn't support that. Ideally I could just delete all the tuplet brackets and turn the notes into eighth notes but deleting the bracket just deletes all the notes. Please let me know if you have a solution.


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Impact Weapon2.mscz 30.96 KB


If I understand, you want the quintuplet 16ths to be 8ths with a new time signature. I suggest that you create a new score with the time signature you want. Copy the 16th notes and use Edit->Paste Double duration to paste 8th note quintuplets. You can enter the new time signature before or after, if it's incompatible with the contents you'll get an error. You will need to reenter the repeats and then copy and paste the rest of the notes and make any other adjustments.

You won't be able to enter a real 5/8 time signature, you will need to enter one based upon the quintuplets (probably 2/4). You can then select all of the numbers and brackets (click the first then shift+click the last) and set them both to none in the inspector. This is what's necessary to not need to totally reenter all of those notes. You can right click the time signature, choose time signature properties and set it to display 5/8 or 10/8 as you please.

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