Force Bars into a System

• Oct 10, 2020 - 06:55

Is there some way to force a certain number of bars into a specific system
without affecting the rest of the score?
I have played around with the layout stretch settings and these three bars:
absolutely refuse to get all on the same line like this:
I am trying to reconstruct a specific score into musescore
so the bars need to line up to approximately match the look of the other one.
Any ways forward?


Use wider paper, narrower page borders or a smaller space setting (Format>Page Settings, the latter the most likely viable fix), or some other more obscure setting available in Format>Style

In reply to by PumpkinPuppy

If I'm trying to avoid changing the scaling I'll select all 3 measures (in this case) and click Notes in the inspector. I'll then make the Leading Space in the inspector a negative number and often the bars will shrink enough to fit on the page. Once I get to about -.70 the notes start overlapping things like accidentals and I finally resort to changing the scaling down as little as possible. I normally put system breaks at the end of every system and page breaks so a change in scaling doesn't make the rest of my score reformat too bad. I often end up increasing the Max system distance because the pages are only 3/4 full after adjusting the scaling.

If you attach your actual score rather than just a picture we can advise better, but the main thing I'd be trying first is reducing the spacing and minimum note distance settings in Format / Style / Measure. If that isn't enough already, I'd also consider disabling autoplace for a couple of the specific accidentals where the original has them overlapping over notes (this ability is pretty new, I think for 3.5). Messing with leading space is possible as a last resort but less advisable I think.

As someone who is trying to convert over to Musescore from Sibelius this is my #1 feature request. I often have students who need to enter music from a score into a notation editor and making them setup their measures to match the score they're working from is hugely beneficial for reducing mistakes in the copying process. I can't believe that this simple 'locking measures to systems' feature isn't part of Musescore.

In reply to by [DELETED] 33049721

Hello! If you’re converting from Sibelius using MusicXML, the original breaks are now “baked in” and would need to first be removed. Also note that if the staff size and spacing is too big to allow four measures to fit, adding a break won’t change that - you’d need the “keep measure on same system” if you we’d to force more measures onto a system than actually fit. Breaks only get fewer - just like how you’d use them to end lines early in a word processor.

If you need further help, then if you attach a score we can understand and advise better.

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