• Nov 8, 2020 - 00:09

Please see attached work in- progress 7th chord worksheet. I have figured out the text boxes and how to add and maneuver images.

I also understand that some users are asking for the same thing that I am about to...

Is there a way to line up each bar vertically and horizontally evenly AND to have each bar be the same length? I have tried playing around with the spacers and moving notes horizontally. Perhaps this is beyond what the program has been designed for OR perhaps programmers are working on a "worksheet" mode where the bars are fixed and the contents shrink or expand to fill the space.

PS: New user who wants to send a big thank you to the contributors of this amazing program.


MS isn't really geared up to this yet. One trick is to use (in your case) 10 instruments - at least that way you only have to worry about the widths of 4 bars. You could possibly also have a hidden chord in each bar of maximum size (notes either side, several accidentals), I suppose.

Attachment Size
WMN.mscz 21.17 KB

Actually, while it won't work in all cases, you can get more less perfect alignment in simple cases like this where the measures actually have similar content, by simply setting a much higher minimum measure width in Format / Style / Measure. A value of 20 sp does the job nicely. BTW, I see you are hiding courtesy time signatures, but don't do that - instead use section breaks rather than system breaks, which suppress the courtesy signatures automatically. Or turn off courtesy signatures completely in Format / Style / Page.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Marc. I am slowly diving deeper into the abilities of Musescore and slowly learning the logic of its abilities. I am using this program in my high school distance teaching. My students and I are teaching each other as we learn together. I will explore your suggestions. Also, I believe it is you to thank for the Education palettes, they work great!

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