Volta goal: I need ending 1., 2. to repeat twice and continue to ending 3
Please see attached score. I'm surprised I'm having any trouble with this.
Please see attached score. I'm surprised I'm having any trouble with this.
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For the measure under the 1st volta, set repeats to 3 in measure properties.
For the 1st Volta itself, set repeat list to 1,2.
In reply to For the measure under the… by underquark
Perfect. Now it makes sense. And I've got the larger score working the way I want.
Thanks guys, Much appreciated!
In reply to Perfect. Now it makes sense… by scorster
Well, I should restate ...
Ultimately MuseScore's volta/repeat system proved workable but—when working in other notation apps—I've never had to think about a volta arrangement like the one I struggled with in the submitted score.
Two questions:
––––– Regarding Text Line Details>Text and Volta>Repeat List –––––
• When I add a 1st ending MuseScore automatically set Text Line Details>Text = 1
• When I add a 2nd ending MuseScore automatically set Text Line Details>Text = 2
But when I edit Text Line Details>Text to create something like = "1., 2." Volta>Repeat List stays as initially set ...
Is there any reason why, on edit, MuseScore would not initially "lock" Volta>Repeat List to Text Line Details>Text? That way, by default, an edited Text property defines the Repeat List. And that should save some confusion. (Under this scheme, of course, the user could "unlock" and override—but I don't see why one would want to.)
––––– Regarding Measure>Play Count –––––
Though I've read this a dozen times—and I can use the concept to get the desired result—I find the + 1 part defies logic.
The score submitted score proceeds like this
But achieving this required setting Measure 2>Play count = 3 (Ergo + 1)
But Measure 2 is never played 3 times. So cognitive dissonance ensues ... and I wonder why the 1.2. volta fails to suffice.
I hope to see some +1 responses!
In reply to Well, I should restate … by scorster
From my discussion about this with Tantacrul, his plan is to address this in version 4.1. This is an atrocious confusing method of setting up voltas and repeats and is in great need of simplification. Once 4.0 is released, scheduled for next summer, the plan is 4.1 will be released 3 months later and minor releases (4.2, 4.3...) every 3 months after that with bug fixes as needed.
In reply to From my discussion about… by mike320
>> From my discussion about this with Tantacrul, his plan is to address this in version 4.1.
Thanks Mike!
Glad to hear that.
+1 ; )
#314283: Please simplify voltas like: 1., 2. with repeat, then 3.
Oops. I keep forgetting how to enter a link to the Issue Tracker. I thought brackets did the trick.
In reply to >> From my discussion about… by scorster
#314283: Please simplify voltas like: 1., 2. with repeat, then 3.
Did I forget the # when I explained this in the other post?
In reply to Well, I should restate … by scorster
I've seen many times that the default would be overridden, usually with text explaining one of the repetitions and at other times 1, 2, 3 vs 1-3.
Having said that, a good UI to implement with reasonable defaults is definitely needed.
In particular, have a look at the "play count" example included on the handbook page linked by underquark