Small notes and extra beats not playing

• Dec 20, 2020 - 02:17

Okay, so I'm relatively new to using MuseScore (a few weeks) and I've figured out most of my problems through googling and looking at support threads. This one, I'm just not sure how to phrase in a way that would work in Google.

So I'm putting music so I can have some clean copies to play with. In one of the songs, there are small notes for certain verses. It's in 3/4 time. However, I had to increase the measure duration to 5/4 to accommodate the extra notes. I turned the ability to play the small notes off because they're not needed for the most part.

But when I do playback it, predictably, adds in the time as if there's a rest. Is there any way to make the extra beats not play on the playback? Needless to say, it kinda disrupts the flow of the song.


You need to use voices for the alternate rhythms and turn off playback for these extra notes in the inspector (select the notes and uncheck play). There is no need to add extra beats to the measure.

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