Fix system breaks
Hello! I'm trying to fix an issue I'm having where Musescore seems to be disregarding my system break settings. I have it set so that it should break every 4 measures. I've tried doing it through system break, I've tried manually breaking, neither seems to work.
This is how I want the page to look
This is how it looks when the page is set to standard size
Does anybody have any idea on how to fix this?
In reply to Scaling https://musescore… by Shoichi
Oh man, thank you so much!
MuseScore has no setting to force four measures on a system, any more than a word processor has a setting to force 20 words on a line. Both will fit as much on a line as they can given your current page & font sizes, and then will automatically wrap around to the next line. Both provide manual breaks
that you can use
to end a line
earlier than it otherwise would.
But nothing to force more on a line than actually fits. So something needs to give - bigger page, smaller margins, smaller font size, etc. In some cases you can try reducing the "stretch" in MuseScore (like character spacing in a word processor) via "{" shortcut or Format / Stretch menu.
In reply to MuseScore has no setting to… by Marc Sabatella
How then would you recommend making something like this? I'm trying to type out a four measure exercise in every key, so I want it just be four measures a line since that grouping makes the most sense.
In reply to How then would you recommend… by bernardgreigso…
Well, as mentioned, you need either a bigger page, smaller staff size, or tighter spacing - no getting around the laws of physics here. Page and staff size are set in Format / Page Settings, spacing is controlled in Format / Style / Measure with an override also possible using the stretch commands. But based on how it looks on the version where you shrank the margins and it's already way cramped, it's going to look pretty bad with the original margins. I think you need a smaller staff size to make that fit and look at all reasonable. Feel free to to attach the actual score if you need further assistance.
BTW, if you are OK with changing the notation, I'd absolutely recommend correcting some of the enharmonic spellings here, that would reduce the space requirements significantly, For instance, over Fm7b5, spelling the b5 correctly as Cb avoids the need to re-establish the flat on the Bb that follows, and it also eliminates the extra space required for the second between the Ab & B. Same for the Cb's that are spelled as B over the Bb7, but there also, using C# rather than Db during the ascending part would avoid the need for the natural on the D. You could save space and increase readability with a bit more attention to those sorts of details.