Odd time signatures completely mess up piano roll editor
I am currently writing a drumset transcription for a song I like, and it has multiple changing time signatures, Whenever I try to edit a bar that is in a time signature other than 4/4 (3/4, 6/4, 11/4, etc.) in the piano roll editor, the notes don't quantize correctly. For example, if I was trying to make six eighth notes in a bar of 3/4, MuseScore makes them snap to an odd position and creates a ton of tiny rests to account for the odd spacing. I'll upload a picture and my score. To recreate the bug, try to place six eighth notes in a bar of 3/4 and see what happens (in piano roll.) I did it in measure 72 so you can see exactly what is happening.
Thank you
Attachment | Size |
Paradigm_Shift.mscz | 36.53 KB |
bug.png | 50.21 KB |