How to create different system styles in the same doc

• Feb 8, 2021 - 17:25

Hello folks--
I have read many posts and just can't seem to make it happen. Here's what I need:

I am setting 16 century songs for lute and voice. Then I need to create lute solos on the same page either for full bridges or just a few measures at the end of each verse. I cannot seem to make a separate section with just the lute tab. Ultimately I would prefer to have a "list" of 4-8 measure bits at the end of the song that I can number to correspond to the verses. Basically, I want to create new systems with only lute staffs, no soprano part.

If you can walk me through step by step that would be awesome.

Thanks folks for any help.


If I understand correctly, add all the staves you want, add all the notes you want, then enable hide empty staves.

If that isn't what you mean, we'd need more information in order to understand and assist better. Best to attach your score as it currently stands and a more complete description - perhaps a picture - of what you want different.

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