Bracket addition to include a pair of treble & bass clef staves

• Feb 19, 2021 - 14:26

When I tried to put a bracket to include staves of treble clef and bass clef, it automatically put a bracket in front of each and every stave. When I tried to remove one bracket, it removed all brackets(?). What i want to do is to put a bracket on the treble clef stave and then extend it to include the next stave of bass clef.


Something isn't clear. How many staves do you have? Here's a guess - you have only one staff actually, but you think you have a bunch between you actually have multiple systems. Like, the default empty score is only a single staff, continued across eight systems. Did you maybe go to measure 5 and change it bass clef, and now you're trying to somehow connect that to measure 1? That won't work 0 you need two staves, not one staff continued across two systems. If you go to Edit / Instruments and add a second staff to the instrument, you should find the brace gets added automatically, and it will use bass clef by default it will connect them with a brace automatically.

If that doesn't help, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

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