My Score is Gone

• Feb 23, 2021 - 16:06

So I spent ALLL day yesterday finishing my revised score and i finshed the rest this morning and clicked saved and saved the file TWICE. When I went to close the session it asked if I wanted to save my score and I said yes! I quit musescore and went to check if it was in any of the musescore folders and theres absolutely nothing there. I'm freaking out because I am supposed to present this to my ensemble tonight and I don't have time to make a completely new one from scratch. My mac has almost no more disk space and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I used one of these old forum to revert musescore to factory settings but now I don't even have the old templates. Is this a lost cause or canI still find my score on my computer somewhere?
Please please help!


If you saved your score, it is absolutely positively still there is exactly the same folder you saved it to, under the same name it had when you saved it. The only question is, what folder is that, and name is that? You are apparently looking in the wrong place.

I am not familiar with the detail of macOS, but I assume Finder has a way to search your entire hard drive, including hidden folders and system folder Choose those options and search for all MSCZ files with a last-modified date of within the last couple of days.

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