seeded tuplets

• Mar 22, 2021 - 18:48

I am transcribing some piano music and I have found this part on the score where at two voices a half-note triplet goes along with a quarter note triplet. Now because of the time signature been 3/2 the half-note triplet spreads across 2 bars. Is it possible to write using Musescore or is it out of range?

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tuplets.jpg 130.7 KB


MuseScore doens't support this directly. Probably the best workaround is to to combine the measures with Tools / Measure / Join Select measures, then add the tuplets, then add a "fake" mid-measure barline using the barlines palette.

Join two bars, enter you triplets, then split the bars. This results in the middle set of minim triplets being split and tied across the barline.

Some would argue that this is the correct representation since no note should wholly reside in one bar if it carries over into the next.

To get what you want, you can tweak the appearance by selecting the first of the tied crotchets and going into Inspector and changing its notehead to minim. Then make the tie and the second note invisible. Next, make one of the triplet brackets invisible and stretch the other to cover all the relevant notes.

Attachment Size
Tuplets_over_bar.mscz 10.3 KB

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