Gradually decreasing the volume (fade out).

• Mar 31, 2021 - 12:36

In the attached file from bar 76 until the end of the song, could you please teach me how the procedure described above was carried out? I want to perform on my scores too, logically in a different way.

Thank you very much!

Rocket Man__Elton John.mscz


Check the velocity setting of those notes.

I'd rather have used a (set of) hairpin(s) and dynamics

That score likely stems from a MIDI import and looks horrible to me

In reply to by mjbartemusica1

FWIW, I think the point here is that this is actually a quite simple arrangement that looks far harder than it actually is, because it is notated poorly. And almost certainly because it was imported from MIDI. So the rhythms are all a bit "off", and there are tons of unnecessary extra voices, overlapping notes, overlapping beams, etc.

So no doubt, it would be challenge to play given how hard it is to read!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello Marc!

I fully agree with you and Jojo, because now that I have watched more closely. This file actually came from a MIDI. Wouldn't it be interesting for MuseScore to filter these poor quality files before allowing them to be uploaded? Doesn't that compromise MuseScore's reputation in the eyes of music professionals? It is really quite difficult to read.
Taking advantage of this post, we insert any note without any indication of dynamics, it by itself represents which dynamics signal made available in MuseScore?

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