Which version to download
i'm on Linux Mint 20.1 and would like to take a look at v4.
Which version in the download section is best to download? The "latest" or the last "master"?
Greetings, Pentatonus
i'm on Linux Mint 20.1 and would like to take a look at v4.
Which version in the download section is best to download? The "latest" or the last "master"?
Greetings, Pentatonus
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See: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/developers-handbook/comparison-stable…
In reply to See: https://musescore.org… by Shoichi
Unfortunately, I can't figure out the link. I have attached a picture of the download list (dev version4). Which of the two marked links should I use?
In reply to Unfortunately, I can't… by [DELETED] 1307581
'*latest*' is a link to the ... latest. Same size, same timestamp
In reply to 'latest' is a link to the … by Jojo-Schmitz
thx, Jojo, understood
3.6.2 ;-)
Or master's latest
In reply to 3.6.2 ;-) Or master's latest by Jojo-Schmitz
Why do you recommend 3.6.2 when I'm in the development forum?
In reply to Why do you recommend 3.6.2… by [DELETED] 1307581
Why did you miss the ;-)?
In reply to Why did you miss the ;-)? by Jojo-Schmitz
When in doubt both recently downloaded. I don't see any difference but can I open more at the same time?
But don't listen to me.