alternative versions
Sometimes the songwriter will sing his/her song slightly differently from the way it is written in the published score. The differences are tiny, perhaps four notes in four bars out of say 200 notes in 50 bars. Is there a neat way of indicating this. The best I have so far is to show trhe two alternatiuve bars with line 1 iver the first and line 2 over the secod. Is there an authorised way of doing this; I'd like toi be able to tell Muse Score "play it as version 1" or "play it as version 2". At the moment this techniqe works for sections where a passage is sung twice as indicated by the dots but not where it is sung once. I can cheat by adding dots to force a short phrase to be sung twice once in each way.
I should have added this score to show what I am talking about
I am not sure which notes in that score you mean, but I think I know the kind of thing you are referring to. The norma is to notate the first verse normally, then if there are significant variations in other verses to put those in as small notes in another voice. MuseScore won't know how to intepret that for playback but people reading the score will.