Turning of normalization in Musescore 2.

• Jul 2, 2021 - 23:08

Is there any way to export audio to wav in Musescore 2 without a normalization? I know that 3 has such feature but I find 2 much more convinient and its sound bank is much better than in Musescore 3. The only problem is that normalization thing.Maybe there is some user made plugin to fix this?


Actually, the soundfonts for MuseScore 2 & 3 are almost identical, I'm surprised you hear any difference at all. MuseScore 3 adds a lon of pretty amazing playback improvements like single note dynamics, improved handling of repeats, and much more, but the soundfonts themselves are not especially different - which instrument in particular are you perceiving to have gotten worse somehow? But you can indeed use the MuseScore 2 soundfont instead, by simply copying the MuseScore 2 soundfont to your own soundfonts folder in MuseScore 3 and loading it in View / Synthesizer.

Beyond that, MuseScore 3 has a number of other pretty incredible improvements that make your scores look much better than ever before, with much less manual adjustment required. If you explain what in particular you are having difficulty figuring out, we're happy to help!

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