Adjustable arpegios?

• Sep 6, 2014 - 20:19

Whenever I go to make an arpeggio, the notes' spacing is spread out evenly by default, such that if the chord is of a particularly long duration, they sound like distinct, unconnected notes rather than a single chord. If there was a way to adjust the spacing so that the notes are all played towards the beginning of the chord, but still not all at once, that'd be awesome.


Could you post an example of what you mean? The actual score (MSCZ file) you are having trouble with? it works as expected for me in the example I just tried, both in the current version (1.3) but also in 2.0 Beta 1. What kind of duration are we talking about? I tried whole note tied to whole note.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

What I was talking about wasn't so much of a bugfix as an idea to consider. When I do arpeggios using the built in notation for them, I typically intend for them to be a quick climb up or down the notes of the chords, but it goes slower than I'd like. If we had the option to choose how quickly the arpeggios are played it would offer more flexibility. Not that how it's set up now is all that restricting.

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